Postal Blue is Going Green


is getting greener

The Postal Service is working hard to put its stamp on a greener tomorrow for the many communities we serve. Postal carriers deliver mail using alternative fuel vehicles, on foot and even on bicycles. Mail is delivered by bicycle on 50 routes in Florida and Arizona and more than 6,500 carriers deliver mail solely on foot.

* | Tags: Common good USPS Fact #655 | April 17, 2024

The Postal Service’s Sustainability brochure – Building a Brighter, Greener Future

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at the U.S. Postal Service.

Postal Service recycling efforts – batteries, oil, etc


39,000 pounds of batteries

In 2023, the Postal Service recycled 39,000 pounds of small lead-acid and dry cell batteries, including lithium-ion batteries, which are found in cellphones, laptops, scanners and other small electronics.

* | Tags: Common good USPS Fact #534 | April 17, 2024

Environmental Management: Putting our Stamp on a Greener Tomorrow

Compliance with environmental requirements provides a foundation for healthier air and waterways and sustainability success.

  • The Postal Service’s “zero discharge” policy mandates that no pollutants be released or discharged into stormwater systems at Postal Service facilities.
  • In 2023, the Postal Service recycled:
    • 394,000 gallons of used oil — equivalent to saving more than 16 million gallons of crude oil.
    • 39,000 pounds of small lead-acid and dry cell batteries, including lithium-ion batteries, which are found in cellphones, laptops, scanners and other small electronics.
  • The Postal Service voluntarily reports hazardous chemicals stored on site to local authorities. The voluntary reporting policy meets requirements of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act and supports state and local emergency planning committees and emergency responders.

25,755 solar panels


solar panels

Sunny times ahead. The Postal Service has a solar power generation system consisting of more than 25,755 solar panels at its Los Angeles mail processing facility. This expands the Postal Service's use of alternative energy and makes the processing facility one of the largest buildings generating electricity through solar energy in the city.

* | Tags: Common good USPS Fact #376 | April 19, 2024

Also, the Postal Service’s Curseen Morris Processing and Distribution Center in Washington, DC has more than 14,305 solar panels, with a capacity of 5.8 megawatts (MW). It is expected to generate 7,356,000 kilowatt hours annually, which is enough electricity to power 1,014 homes each year.

Goal to reduce energy

25% less

by 2030

The Postal Service has a goal to reduce energy used per square foot of building space by 25 percent by 2030.

* | Tags: Common good USPS Fact #372 | April 19, 2024